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Archive for November, 2007

1st Annual Easyadbucks.com Christmas Charity Donation.

Hello members. I had personally planned on donating money to a local charity this year. But I would love to do it with all of you. What I am thinking of doing is using a freebie site (no credit card required) and completing free offers to make this goal a reality.

Its very simple all you would have to do to help is join at http://www.zerodollardeal.com/?referral=6844 Create a free account and complete free offers in till you reached 25 Points.

My goal is $1000 to give to http://www.turkeyclub.org/ they are a non profit organization that helps feed hungry family’s at Christmas (everyone needs a turkey at x-mas!)

Any member who completes the offers and gets 25 Points will get a FREE upgraded membership At Easyadbucks.com and there name on the card I we will be giving them Dec 14th.

If your too busy to complete offers but are still interested in helping out with a great cause please email me at [email protected] (Title Turkey) if your interested in making a donation, you will also get your name on the card and with donations of $10.00 or more will also get a FREE upgrade.

*full photo proof and screen shots of the event will be taken and posted on Easyadbucks!

Mark Williams

Email Advertising, Paid To Read Email, Get Paid To, EasyAdBucks, EasyAdBucks News, Free To Join, EasyAdBucks Payments, Paid To Click, Paid To Signup, EasyAdBucks Banner, EasyAdBucks Referral Contest | 16.11.2020 7:08 | No Comments

November Update:

Great work everyone! We have passed 10,000 members this month.

Paid to sign ups: Members accounts are being Cancelled in till they can email me and prove they understand the rules of entering the info right! You DO NOT enter your email address in the box you enter the email that was sent to you from the paid to sign up you just signed up for. The conformation email! This causes me hours of extra work weekly.

Paid to clicks: Have been removed in till we can find a way to stop members from cheating. We had to remove over 300!! Accounts last month from people breaking rules when it came to paid to click’s. Please click 1 at a time or you will be banned! It only took a few bad apples to ruin it for everyone.

Referrals: We are still a few weeks behind we had a few members last month purchase 100s of referrals and we are still back logged as they join we will add them to your account. As of today we are up to 10/22/07 anyone who has requested them before that should have there referrals now. Unless you bought them in packs of 10 and 30 in which case they have been already added.

Questions about the data entry program. I have had a lot of emails asking me about the Data Entry Program (An ad that was sent by an advertiser)

I have personally tested the system to check it out and I have found it is a good program but it is a little misleading. Many people join thinking they are entering pages of notes for people which is wrong they teach you how to place ads and also give you s $100 Google credit to do so. Not bad since you get full training and $100 credit when you only pay $50 to join. I would recommend for someone who is serious about working not for someone who thinks they are going to make a lot of money doing nothing.

Easyadbucks Admin

Email Advertising, Paid To Read Email, Get Paid To, EasyAdBucks, EasyAdBucks News, Free To Join, EasyAdBucks Payments, Paid To Click, Paid To Signup, EasyAdBucks Banner, EasyAdBucks Referral Contest | 11.11.2020 19:46 | 20 Comments

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